Posted in Business, ICT

Changes in Consumer Behaviour During COVID-19 Outbreak May Affect Growth of 3D CAD Market

Technology has taken many bounds and leaps for reaching the state it is in at the present time. These days, people can make use of computer-based software for doing things that were done manually before with greater ease, precision, and accuracy. The professions of architects, engineers, designers and such especially deal with accuracy and precision, so much so that even a slight mistake in calculations can lead to a huge problem. 

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3D CAD takes the designing a step further by providing the 3D view of objects on the screen. Any number of complex shapes of different sizes and forms can be created by using 3D CAD software, which is why is being used extensively for designing products of varied complexity ranges. Due to all these factors, the global 3D CAD market is projected to advance at a considerable pace in the years to come. 

Now with the help of technological advancements and innovations in the software industry, the work of engineers and architects has become immensely easy.  One of the software which has been of a huge help in this respect id 3D computer-aided design (CAD). The traditional CAD software includes a number of design tools and helps the users by performing thousands of complex calculations in the background.

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The three models offered by 3D CAD are solid model, wire-frame model, and surface model, among which, the demand for solid model was the highest in the past. 3D CAD has a number of applications, such as in arts, aerospace, healthcare, defense, automotive, electrical and electronics, and industrial machinery sector. The automotive industry made the most use of this program in the past. 3D CAD is utilized during almost the entire manufacturing process for making sure that accuracy and quality are not tampered with in the automotive industry. 


A enthusiastic and passionate blogger who is interested in chemical and materials research and writing thesis as well as data crunching.

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