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What are Key Trends in Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) Market?

In 1993, less than 1% of the world’s population had access to the internet, and by 2017, almost half the people on this earth were regular internet users, the World Bank says. In simple terms, the internet is a wide area network (WAN), which is itself a network of computers and servers extending over a large area. A large number of business organizations, government bodies, and academic institutions use WANs to communicate with personnel in distant locations.

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Now, the problem with traditional WAN is that installing and managing it is labor-intensive and time-consuming, thus costly. Therefore, with such networks becoming more complex and wider, especially with the rising popularity of mobile and cloud computing, need is being felt for their easy management.

In this scenario, software-defined WAN or SD-WAN helps users in managing their wide area networks centrally and in automating their configurations, which not only reduces the need for humans to do it, but also makes the process shorter and cost-effective.

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Thus, with the increasing demand for easily manageable wide area networks, the SD-WAN market is expected to mushroom to $9,691.0 million by 2023, from $676.9 million in 2017, at a 54.1% CAGR during the forecast period (2018–2023). Many organizations are using the software-defined approach to optimize their WAN, for making their network infrastructure compatible with cloud, improving the experience of users, and achieving higher virtual flexibility.

Similarly, there has also been a rising demand for intelligent pathways in recent years. To effectively tackle the challenges of data congestion and increasing network complexity, WAN users are looking at policy-based routing solutions, which determine a path for the traffic on the basis of the particular application, as well as the source and destination of the data.


A enthusiastic and passionate blogger who is interested in chemical and materials research and writing thesis as well as data crunching.

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